2023 Year in Review

We hope you take a moment to look back at the year we had at the David Mathews Center for Civic Life in our 2023 Year in Review. This document highlights a year marked by dynamic growth and impactful initiatives! As we reflect on the past twelve months, we are thrilled to share the work that defined our organization's commitment to fostering democracy, education, and community engagement. Throughout 2023, we successfully hosted our monthly Applied Democracy Exchanges, creating spaces for meaningful conversations and collaborative efforts. Our dedication to empowering future leaders shone through our support for the Jean O’Connor-Snyder Internship Program, and our teacher fellows program continued to make a lasting impact on education. The Mathews Center family expanded with the addition of a new team member, while another underwent a role transition, further strengthening our capacity for positive change. Join us in exploring these milestones and more and delve into the pages of our 2023 Year in Review!


A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Board Members!


Set a New Year’s Resolution to Exercise Your Civic Muscles